Tf: +34 685 31 10 80
Who I Am

"I love to create and express myself through new techniques"


with art & technologies.


Full-stack Enterprise
Visual Management

One of the great successes of a company is to have a striking and current visual identity.


Tattoo Artist &
tattoo design

Creating unique pieces for the client adapting them to the single needle style


UX/UI Design &
Website Design

Through WordPress I create eye-catching and easy-to-carry websites for the client.


Art pieces &
Art prints

Works of art based on the portrait of the eyes and which are reproduced in art prints


We’re changing the way people think of UI/UX creation.

A full-stack structure for our working workflow processes, were from the funny the century initial all the made, have spare to negatives.


Project by the numbers.


web and mobile
apps designs

Creating a full range UI/UX apps accross the whole platform.


API Integrations

Software-enabled platforms to completely change the way of UI/UX iterations.


awards for digital

We have strict intentions to completely change the way of UI/UX creation.

Website & Mobile App Design
Awards & Honors


Finalist for the poster for the exhibition of contemporary art
Kursal (San Sebastián) – 2016

Christmas postcard first prize
Uvesco (Irún)- 2015

Village Photography Award Winner
Burlada (Pamplona) – 2006

People have the power to create everything they can imagine

Play Video

From a design to the production of a video spot

Graphic Design

The most daring designs and the most minimalist layouts, always adapting to the new trends in the field.

UI/UX Developpment

Conception of the brand through a web page designed in WordPress to facilitate its subsequent use by the client.

Video production

From the script to the production, realization and layout of advertising spots or marketing campaigns, as well as motion graphics in 2D and 3D.

Let’s Collaborate

Want me in your team?
Wanna work with me?

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